I was a San Jose Police Gang Detective during the early 90's when 186.22 of the California Penal Code, also known as the "Street Terrorism Enforcement and Protection" Act ("STEP" Act), was just beginning to be charged and prosecuted by the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office. I researched and wrote many of the first Gang Summary Reports and worked closely with the Gang Unit of the DA's Office. I have been approved as a Criminal Defense Investigator, and a Gang Expert by the Santa Clara County Alternate Defense Office (ADO), and the Independent Defense Counsel Office (IDO).
As a Court Qualified Gang Expert and experienced Gang Detective, I will evaluate your case to determine if based on my training and experience, it is my opinion, that the crime was committed for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with, a criminal street gang with the specific intent to promote, further, or assist in any criminal conduct by gang members. I will then provide you with an objectively written "Gang Opinion Report", and I will testify in court as a "Gang Expert" on that opinion.
I can also act as your Defense Investigator and provide the following:
Avery & Associates - 84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 700, San Jose, CA 95113
Office: 844-882-8379 - Fax: 844-982-8379 - Email: info@averypi.com
CA State PI Lic. 187841
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Det. Todd Gonzalez Lobdell has been awarded numerous Certificates of Commendation and Appreciation for his investigative skill, and his ability to find solutions! He has also been awarded a Life Saving Medal from the San Jose Police Department for saving the life of an 83 year old woman who was raped and taken hostage by an armed assailant!