Subrogation is a legal concept referring to the process by which an insurance company, having paid out a claim for a loss or damage, assumes the rights and legal claims of the insured party against a third party that caused the loss or damage. Essentially, the insurance company "steps into the shoes" of the insured party to recover the amount of the claim from the party that is legally responsible for the loss.
For example, if you are in a car accident and another driver is at fault, your insurance company may pay for your car repairs and then pursue a claim against the at-fault driver's insurance company to recover those costs. This process ensures that the burden of the financial loss is ultimately borne by the party responsible for causing the damage, rather than the insurance company or the innocent party who filed the claim.
Subrogation is used to prevent the insured from recovering twice for the same harm (once from their own insurer and again from the party at fault) and also to lower insurance costs by holding the responsible party or their insurer financially accountable for the loss.
How can Avery & Associates Investigations help with a Subrogation Investigation?
Avery & Associates can be a valuable asset in a subrogation investigation, particularly in complex cases where determining fault and liability is not straight forward or when recovering from the at-fault party proves to be difficult. Here are several ways in which a private investigator might assist in a subrogation investigation:
By conducting a thorough and methodical investigation, a private investigator helps the insurance company build a strong subrogation case to recover the funds paid out to the insured. This expertise can be especially critical when the circumstances of the claim are contentious or when substantial sums are at stake.
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Det. Todd Gonzalez Lobdell has been awarded numerous Certificates of Commendation and Appreciation for his investigative skill, and his ability to find solutions! He has also been awarded a Life Saving Medal from the San Jose Police Department for saving the life of an 83 year old woman who was raped and taken hostage by an armed assailant!