Investigator Professional Code of Ethics
1). The investigator will adhere absolutely and unconditionally to the objective and impartial search for truth. He will abstain from involvement in any situation that subverts this professional commitment.
2). The investigator will refrain from asserting, in any professional capacity, any beliefs, opinions, or biases regarding any person or situation under investigation, prior to having commenced the investigation. Nor will the investigator permit any pre-established beliefs, opinions, or biases to influence the course of an investigation to be undertaken.
3). The investigator should never, as a matter of policy, claim to have attained absolute or conclusive truth regarding the scope of any investigation. As a matter of policy, investigative truths should always remain potentially open to reinterpretation as new facts or theories emerge. In principle the investigative process should remain speculative rather than dogmatic.
4). The investigator will be absolutely and unconditionally honest in all reporting to clients. The investigator will make no dishonest representation of any fact, issue, or theory relating to any case for which he is responsible.
5). The investigator will be truthful and open in all communication to colleagues and the public, except in so far as such communication may compromise client confidentiality
6). The investigator will honor, absolutely and unconditionally the confidentiality guaranteed to every client, supervisor, or colleague.
7). The investigator will not violate any law during the performance of his professional responsibilities.
8). The investigator will refrain from any professional activity that jeopardizes health or safety of another person.
9). The investigator will refrain from any commitment that entails any inappropriate conflict of interest.
10). The investigator will not engage in the unauthorized practice of law or represent himself/herself as a law enforcement officer.
Avery & Associates - 84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 700, San Jose, CA 95113
Office: 844-882-8379 - Fax: 844-982-8379 - Email:
CA State PI Lic. 187841
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Det. Todd Gonzalez Lobdell has been awarded numerous Certificates of Commendation and Appreciation for his investigative skill, and his ability to find solutions! He has also been awarded a Life Saving Medal from the San Jose Police Department for saving the life of an 83 year old woman who was raped and taken hostage by an armed assailant!